Tips for Cleaning and Disinfecting Construction Equipment Cabs
August 5th, 2020
Enclosed spaces like heavy-equipment cabs can harbor germs and viruses like the coronavirus — during times like this, cleanliness is incredibly important. Keeping surfaces disinfected is a responsibility for everyone to help keep each other protected.
At Power Equipment Company we are doing our part to help keep customers safe, and that now includes contactless sanitizing of cabs and touchpoints on all equipment that is sold, rented, or serviced at any of our branch locations. It’s another level of assurance you receive when doing business with Power Equipment Company.
Below, we’ll explain the steps we take to sanitize every machine. These tips may be useful for your machines well — not just now, but any time.
- We use an EPA-approved disinfectant that is effective at deactivating the novel coronavirus and is safe for interiors. It won’t damage components in the interior of the cab like touch screens, switches, and upholstery. Our VCU sanitizer is contactless, so no need to wipe after applying. There are many different types of products that can be used for your own equipment. Refer to the links below for a list of EPA-approved sanitizers.
- When cleaning, be sure to use latex or synthetic rubber gloves and a mask or face covering. Typically, this step might get overlooked, but with a virus that can spread asymptomatically, this is the best way to ensure you’re not inadvertently re-infecting the surfaces while you’re cleaning them.
- Spray all exterior and interior handles and compartments. This includes floor mats, windows, and hard surfaces as well as joysticks, steering wheel, knobs, and any other touchpoints inside of the cab. Clean with detergent or soap and water if the surfaces are visibly dirty prior to disinfectant application.
- Be mindful when cleaning electronic consoles and display interfaces. An EPA-approved, contactless product may leave a film when it dries, but it’s not necessary to wipe it off once you achieve full coverage. You can also spray disinfectant on a microfiber cloth and wipe the displays and keypads.
- When addressing the upholstery, avoid using any products that contain bleach to prevent damage, and remember to wipe down the seat belts including the buckles.
- Spray all machine touchpoints including the dipstick, gas cap, engine access points, handles, latches, etc.
- If accessing the machine from the ground, be sure to spray all door handles and grab bars at the end of your cleaning.
The CDC has provided additional information on cleaning and disinfecting non-emergency transport vehicles that you may find beneficial as well. According to the CDC, for disinfection of hard, non-porous surfaces, appropriate disinfectants include:
- EPA’s Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method and contact time for all cleaning and disinfection products.
- Diluted household bleach solutions prepared according to the manufacturer’s label for disinfection, if appropriate for the surface. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser.
- Alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol.
Contact us today if you have any questions or concerns.